In the Kingdom of Ninja 3, your task is to protect the honor of the Shugenkido household. The game mainly revolves around hidden objects scenes wherein you have to defend your home from enemies. The story depicts how the Ninja clan was crushed due to an attack orchestrated by the ogre clan. Your father had left an instructing book which had been a key to success wherein, in order for the clan to return to the ninja way of life, he had included in it a written map of the world. However, following this, several Ninja were killed and scattered all across the world, which left only one single male survivor - you.
After protecting your home, you then have to go on a worldwide quest to find the other Ninjas who survived and sought revenge against the ogre clan. The graphics and sound effects in the games are really cool and exciting. I especially loved the graphics when fighting ninjas, they really looked tough. The original version of the game had better graphics but the remade version improves on this.
In the adventure games, you will also notice that the game takes into account the fact that you can't see through some things and can't see through others. This has led to some problems when it comes to the storyline. The developers have solved this by providing alternative routes to complete the stories thus you don't need to grind to level up your characters. There's also a lot of hidden objects and items which you will collect over the course of your adventure. I especially loved the sound effects and the graphics, they really added some life to the games. wishes you have fun playing Kingdom of Ninja 3 Unblocked game!